@Jerzy M: przepisywanie historii

@Jerzy M: przepisywanie historii

Nie ma takiego dystansu przestrzennego ani czasowego, który czyniłby ze zbrodniarza bohatera

Zgadnie Pan kto to taki:

The storming of Jaffa was particularly brutal. Although the XXX took control of the city within a few hours after the attack began, the XXX soldiers bayoneted approximately 2,000 Turkish soldiers who were trying to surrender. The soldiers’ ferocity then turned to the inhabitants of the town. Men, women, and children were robbed and murdered for three days, and the massacre ended with even more bloodshed, as YYY ordered 3,000 more Turkish prisoners executed.

Pare pomniczkow to on chyba ma, choc watpie ze akurat w Jaffa. Prosze przygotowac kubelek z farba… No i trabke do zagluszania imienia tego zbrodniarza w piesni ktora Pan jak sadze zna na pamiec. O tu, tu jest ten zbrodniarz


Lenin w Seattle By: mtwapa (22 komentarzy) 25 kwiecień, 2008 - 21:09