Since Fiction is a prepostmodernistic approach to verbal argument based on precognitive and nonaposterioral neoapriori predestinative symbolism of Freudian poetics in psychology.
It grasps the concept of SINCE and transmogrifies it into SUBSEQUENTIVEFICTION which is usally localised in the hospital environment of New England. Subsequentive Fiction was so aptly decsribed by L.Agriffe in his paper published by University of Kolbuszowa Press – Powieść Następowa w ujęciu markistowsko-leninowskim. [translated by Pino Mawski, Miarxistic-Leninist view on Subsequnetive Fiction, Dandi Univ Press, 2009]. L.Agriffe skillfuly outlines the characteristics of SqF in the few words: Retrofigmental visualisation of the futuristic positive antiutopia.
Since Fiction is a prepostmodernistic approach to verbal argument based on precognitive and nonaposterioral neoapriori predestinative symbolism of Freudian poetics in psychology.
It grasps the concept of SINCE and transmogrifies it into SUBSEQUENTIVE FICTION which is usally localised in the hospital environment of New England. Subsequentive Fiction was so aptly decsribed by L.Agriffe in his paper published by University of Kolbuszowa Press – Powieść Następowa w ujęciu markistowsko-leninowskim. [translated by Pino Mawski, Miarxistic-Leninist view on Subsequnetive Fiction, Dandi Univ Press, 2009]. L.Agriffe skillfuly outlines the characteristics of SqF in the few words: Retrofigmental visualisation of the futuristic positive antiutopia.
Lagriffe -- 07.02.2010 - 13:05