The winter wind chill is -150F/-100C. Average wind chill going to the Pole (-28C/19 km/h) is -43F (-46C). There is little precipitation and almost no clouds over the Pole. Precipitation average is less than 2in (50mm) a year. The cold evaporates all humidity and the continent is as dry as the Sahara.
Dry blizzards have no snowfall, just existent snow being picked up and blown around by the high wind.
Precipitation averages less than 1” annually. 0.03% average humidity combined with the extreme cold make the South Pole region the world’s driest desert.
Głupota nie zna granic
The winter wind chill is -150F/-100C. Average wind chill going to the Pole (-28C/19 km/h) is -43F (-46C). There is little precipitation and almost no clouds over the Pole. Precipitation average is less than 2in (50mm) a year. The cold evaporates all humidity and the continent is as dry as the Sahara.
Dry blizzards have no snowfall, just existent snow being picked up and blown around by the high wind.
Precipitation averages less than 1” annually. 0.03% average humidity combined with the extreme cold make the South Pole region the world’s driest desert.
Zbigniew P. Szczęsny -- 03.02.2010 - 17:35